Diaper-free from day 1

Avoid the heap of diapers with the best baby potty


Recommended by baby experts

Midwife Lena Fahrner from Jüchen:

"As a midwife, I also advise parents on the subject of Elimination Communication. I prefer to recommend the Easypisi potty."

The diaper-free coach Carolin Fest says:

"I discovered the Easypisi potty and really like it."

Midwife Maren Kanning from the birthing center in Bielefeld says:

"We midwives are convinced of Easypisi and recommend using it for EC during the puerperium."

Avoid the diaper hill with Easypisi

Spare bis zu 6000 Windeln = ca. 1200€

Made in Germany aus 100% recyceltem Material

Verbindert Bauchweh und 3-Monats-Koliken

This is how Easypisi works

Baby beobachten und seine Signale lernen

Wenn das Baby muss, gibt es eindeutige Signale

Baby über's Töpfchen halten und das Geschäft nimmt seinen Lauf

More info

Our story

The Founders

We started Easypisi when we saw that there were no good potties for babies on the market.

From the beginning, we've set ourselves the goal of making the world a little better by finding sustainable solutions to everyday problems.

Easypisi - the potty for restraining babies - is our contribution to avoiding disposable diapers. We will continue to develop innovative products for parents and children.

More about us